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    Ketentuan Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris


    Ketentuan Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SMP/ Sederajat dan SMA/ SMK / Sederajat Olimpiade Humaniora VIII

    1.    Ketentuan Umum

    a.       Setiap sekolah dapat mengirimkan maksimal 3 orang peserta
    b.      Lomba bersifat individu/perorangan
    c.       Peserta merupakan siswa/siswi aktif di masing-masing sekolah.
    d.      Lomba ini dipungut biaya ( Rp. 100.000,00 per naskah untuk tingkat SMA / SMK / sederajat ) dan ( Rp. 75.000,00 per naskah untuk tingkat SMP / sederajat )
    e.       Peserta membuat satu buah naskah pidato berdasarkan tema sebagai berikut :

    1.         The Influence of Tourism Industry towards the Development of Local Language.
    2.         The Roles of Young Generations in Preserving Local Language.
    3.  The Government (Education Minister of Indonesia) Should Make An Obligation Concerning the Length of Local Languages Lesson’s Duration Set at School.
    4.         Living in Globalization Era Has Nothing to Do with Leaving Our Local Language.
    5.         Balinese Languages Should be Taught at Every School in Bali Without Any Exception.
    6.         Arts as A Means of Promoting Local Languages that Exist in Indonesia.
    7.         The Impact of ASEAN Economic Community to Local Language.
    8.         TV Program as An Educational Media of Learning Local Language.
    9.         The Application of Local Languages in Relation to Speech Level in Balinese.
    10.     The Roles of Young Generations in Appreciating the Work of Literatures.
    11.     The Development of Local Language Learning-Based Application Software.
    12. Writing Poetry in Local Languages As A Way of Expressing Oneself by Young Generation.
    13. Creativity and Innovation of Young Generation in Preserving Local Languages by Folklore.

    Untuk lebih lengkapnya mengenai Ketentuan Lomba Pidato, Silakakan download di sini : Ketentuan Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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